Santa Maria del Mar

 Santa Maria del Mar, located in neighborhood of the Ribera (Shoreside) just next to the old port, is dedicated a the Mother of Christ, the patron saint of seamen. It is one of the best examples of Catalan Gothic architecture. 
Shortly after the arrival of Christianity to the Roman colony of Barcino, modern-day Barcelona, a small Christian community was started near the sea and just outside its walls. A Christian necropolis used to be located over. The martyr St. Eulàlia, the city first patron saint, was probably buried here in 303 A.D and a chapel was built. Later, the remains of the martyr were moved to the crypt in the cathedral of Barcelona. 
Recent studies have supported the hypothesis that Roman Barcelona had a roman arena or amphitheater in this place, although no evidence has yet been found.  

In the XIV century the economy was booming due to the commercial expansion in the Mediterranean. The construction of the present church began on May 25 of 1329 with the placing of the first stone by king Alfonso IV of Aragon.
The temple was established exclusively with the financing and the work to the parishioners. It seems that the entire population of La Ribera (shipowners, fishermen, merchants and longshoremen) was actively involved in the construction either with their money or with their work. This is what gave its reputation of a people’s church. There is then a clear contrast to the Cathedral that by those same times it was also being built and associated with the monarchy, the nobility and the high clergy.

Particularly noteworthy were the longshoremen, los bastaixos, contribute. They carried the huge stones used for the construction of the church from the royal quarry of Montjuïc to the boats and from the beaches to the Born Square itself. The church pays tribute to those men by representing them on the doors.

The last turn key was placed on November 3, 1383 and the first Mass was celebrated on August 15 of the following year.


During the civil war , Santa Maria del Mar was devastated . it would burn for 11 days in a row before locals were able to put the fire out. The baroque interior was lost for ever.

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