
I will give to you - Matthew 4:9 and Luke 4:6

Located in the Sarrià Sant Gervasi neighborhood, Tibidabo is with 512 meters the highest mountain in the Sierra de Collserola range, the tallest peak within the limits of Barcelona.

The top of Tibidabo is crowned by the cathedral del Sagrat Cor. This church has been constructed between 1902 and 1960 in a mixture of modernista and neogothic styles. The phrase Tibidabo, meaning I will give to you, was said to Jesus by the devil as they looked down from an exceedingly high mountain upon all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them.

The Tibidabo Amusement Park: It is Spain’s oldest and one of the first in Europe. It was inaugurated in 1899 and still conserves some of its original attractions.

Another landmark on the top of Tibidabo is probably the most disputed. The 288 meter Torre Collserola Television Tower was built for the transmission of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.
Although designed by Sir Norman Foster, the Berlin Bundestag dome architect, its beauty is out-challenged by its counterpart on the Montjuic.  

The quirky Tibidabo’s Automaton Museum is also located over here. It is said that its collection of 40 automatons from the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century captivated Disney, who extended a blank check in exchange for the automatons (apparently for display at the Walt Disney World facilities). Luckily for Barcelona, the tempting offer was rejected.


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